(Just a few things I've picked up in my short 4+ years of marriage)
- Get dressed up for your husband. Men are visual. That doesn't change after marriage so look nice for your man!
- Greet your husband when he comes home from work. It makes your man feel like he was missed and that you're happy to have him home!
- Pray for your husband. You are his partner. Cover him in prayer. satan will attack your marriage if he has the chance so be praying for him and your marriage.
- Initiate intimacy. Men usually take the role in this and it'll make him feel special to know that you desire him just as much as he desires you.
- Take interest in his interests. As weird as it is, Jacob and I got closer once I started watching football with him. He responded really positively and now it's fun for the both of us.
- Don't initiate deep conversations as soon as he comes home from work. It took me a while to master this one. He is tired when he comes home and men can only concentrate on one thing at a time, lol, so let him rest and then talk.
- Keep a Clean house! I only worked for the first 8 months of our marriage and have stayed at home ever since. So, this may be more for the SAHM/Wife. But if your husbands going to work then you need to make sure he comes home to a clean house. Don't add more to his plate.
- A home cooked meal goes a long ways!
- If your husband is in ministry...Be involved!
- NEVER talk bad about your husband EVER.

I totally agree with ALL of these! :) Thank you for sharing your wisdom. ;) It truly is the littlest of things that can make a big difference in marriage!
ReplyDeleteI agree but I also think (at least for me) greeting goes both ways. As things are right now my hubby gets home before I do (he is in ministry and only has morning office hours and I am a teacher and in school from 7:45-3:15) and when I come home and he says hi and asks how my day was and kisses me hello that goes a long way.
ReplyDeleteLadies, I want to apologize for my comment coming across so negative last night. That was not how I intended it at all. What I REALLY meant to say was I agree with that one because I feel the same way when I come home not that I disagree with it. I'm sure most of these go both ways (when my hubby helps me clean the house or does the dishes it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside) and once again I'm sorry for the way my comment may have come across.