Monday, January 23, 2012

Count Your Blessings

To provide a little context for this post we are going to explore a morning in my life...

I rush into the downstairs office to make sure that I don't miss our weekly prayer meeting. The contents of my hands/arms are: coffee (an absolute must in my life), an envelope full of cash for a vendor, a gift and gift bag for a friend's baby girl, an application for car insurance, a cashier's check for said car insurance, work keys, a new job description for an employee, my wallet, my to-do list for the day on a sticky note, and breakfast. After I gracefully set dump everything on my friends desk I sit down. I realize I am alone (with the exception of said friend). I think, "Perfect, I am early!" That wonderful thought is ruined by my friend asking why I didn't make it to our prayer meeting. I wasn't early, I missed it all together. She comforted me and pointed out all the stuff that had been placed on her desk. She said, "Josie, you have so many things going on. You are trying to run a household, while being a good friend, while working, while trying to take care of yourself..." I took a deep breath, gathered my belongings and headed on with my day. Later that night, I reflected on our conversation.

I, like most women, have so many roles to fulfill. Child of God. Wife. Mother. Sister. Daughter. Friend. Co-Worker. Pet Owner. Dishwasher. Bill Payer. Chef. Maid. Full-Time Employee.  If you are anything like me, you want to fulfill these roles with excellence but most of these things require a lot of time and intentionality and it can seem daunting. Even though most of these roles bring us joy, we can be left feeling drained by them. So what is a girl suppose to do?

Photo Credit
When I am feeling this way, I stop and pray. I know that is really simple but it works. I thank God for the overwhelming happiness I am filled with as a wife and mother. As a mother I know that the time will go by so quickly and I don't want to lose any moments. I thank God for my job and the way that it enables me to bless so many people and the part it takes in advancing His Kingdom here on Earth. I thank God for the fact that I have food to wear and clothes to eat so that I have to cook and clean. I stop and thank God that I have money to pay my bills. If I don't have all the money, I thank God for an opportunity to see Him work in my life.I stop and thank God for all the relationships in my life because I know that they stretch me, they fill me with joy, and they embody everything that is significant to me in this life.

What is a role that you are struggling with lately? What is a role that you need to dedicate a little more time to?

Here is a verse to mediate on this week with all these things in mind, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


  1. Josie, love this post! For me, it's my role of "woman" that I am working on. Being more responsible and finally accomplishing those goals I've set and set and failed at. I want to tackle me so that I can then be an excellent wife and mother, friend and family member.

    1. I forgot that role, but it is huge!I love you Jill and I know that God will continue to work that out in your life. For me, it is the combined role of "working-mom" that I struggle with.

  2. Josie, I LOVE this! I am a semi-newlywed (we got married in September) and a brand new FCC graduate and 4th grade teacher. All these new, exciting changes have created some new roles almost all at the same time. At times it is overwhelming but I wouldn't change any of it for the world. Thank you for the wonderful reminder and advice. It was MUCH needed for me right now. I think I need to work on balancing my roles better. I tend to focus on one and let the others go by the wayside because I don't have the energy for them at the end of the day. Anyway, all that to say thanks and keep up the awesome work ladies!

    1. I am so happy to hear that this was an encouragement for you. I will be praying for your as you are trying to figure out all your new roles. I completely understand about lacking the energy to accomplish all of them but I encourage you to find strength in the Lord. Blessings to you, your marriage, and your job!
